Compelled Duel 5e: A D&D Spell Guide
Hey there, fellow adventurers! Today, I want to talk about an interesting spell in the world of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) - Compelled Duel 5e. If you’re a Paladin looking to gain control over your enemies and protect your allies in combat, this spell guide is for you.
Compelled Duel 5e is a potent 1st-level enchantment spell exclusively available to Paladins in the 5th edition of D&D. With this spell, you can compel a creature into a one-on-one duel, making them focus solely on you.
When you cast Compelled Duel, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, they are irresistibly drawn to you and have disadvantage on attack rolls against any other creatures besides you. The spell requires concentration and it’s effects last for up to 1 minute, but can end prematurely if certain conditions are met.

Key Takeaways:
- Compelled Duel 5e is a 1st-level enchantment spell exclusive to Paladins in D&D.
- The spell allows you to compel a creature into a one-on-one duel, making them focus only on you.
- The target must make a Wisdom saving throw, and if they fail they are drawn into combat with you; they have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you.
- Compelled Duel lasts for up to 1 minute but can end prematurely under certain conditions.
Introduction to Compelled Duel in 5th Edition
Compelled Duel allows a Paladin to compel a creature into a one-on-one duel, harnessing their divine power to draw the target’s attention and focus it solely on the Paladin.
The spell requires a Wisdom saving throw from the target, and if they fail, they become compelled by the Paladin’s presence, causing them to have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than the Paladin. This effect lasts for the duration of the spell, which is up to 1 minute or until certain conditions are met.
The range of Compelled Duel is 30 feet, and it has a casting time of 1 bonus action. The components for casting the spell are verbal, meaning the Paladin must speak to invoke its power.
It’s important to note that if the Paladin attacks another creature, casts a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the target, is attacked or harmed by a friendly creature, or ends their turn more than 30 feet away from the target, the spell ends prematurely.
Now, let’s take a closer look at the mechanics and effects of Compelled Duel.
Ending the Compelled Duel Spell Early
Compelled Duel will end early if any of the following conditions are met:
- You break concentration
- You attack another creature
- You cast a spell that targets a different hostile creature
- An ally damages the target or casts a harmful spell on the target
- You end your turn more than 30 feet away from the target
The range of the spell is relatively short, with a maximum range of 30 feet. It is crucial for the Paladin to maintain proximity to the target in order to keep the duel in effect and prevent the target from attacking other creatures.

Strategic Applications of Compelled Duel
Understanding these mechanics and the duration, range, and effects of Compelled Duel is essential for players aiming to control enemies and protect their allies in combat scenarios. In the next section, we will explore the strategic applications of Compelled Duel, highlighting how it can be used to ensure melee range for Paladins, control battlefield dynamics, and synergize with other spells and party coordination.
Ensuring Melee Range for Paladins
Compelled Duel can be a valuable tool for Paladins to ensure melee range with their enemies. By casting the spell on a target, the Paladin compels them into a one-on-one duel, effectively locking them into combat. This can prevent the enemy from engaging other party members and diverting attention away from other vulnerable allies.
Whenever the target tries to move more than 30 feet away from you they must attempt the saving throw. If they fail they can not move out of this range. This allows the Paladin to pick an enemy that could do damage to the party and limit it’s movment. This can be especially useful in situations where there are vulnerable spellcasters or squishy party members who would benefit from being shielded by the Paladin’s imposing presence.
Compelled Duel and Party Coordination
Party coordination is essential when using Compelled Duel effectively. Paladins should communicate with their teammates to ensure they make the most of this spell. Attacks on the target from anyone other than the caster will break the spell so it’s important that the rest of the part focus on other targets. T
Compelled Duel is not just a simple one-on-one confrontation. It has the potential to shape the outcome of battles and provide a strategic advantage to Paladins and their party. With effective party coordination Paladins can unleash the full potential of Compelled Duel in combat.

Is Compelled Duel a Good Spell in Fifth Edition
I think this is a great spell for the Paladin to use in combat. They can choose one of the more threatening enemies and keep them away from the rest of the party. Locking the enemy into a 30 foot range means the Paladin will (barring any slowing conditions) be able to get to the target during the turn and ensure they will have melee range. Since it is cast as a bonus action you still have your attack action on the turn that you cast it.
Compelled Duel offers Paladins a unique and versatile tool in combat scenarios. Whether it’s protecting their allies, controlling enemies, or amplifying their own offensive capabilities, this spell is a valuable addition to any Paladin’s arsenal. So, next time you find yourself facing formidable adversaries, remember the power of Compelled Duel and pave your way to victory.
What is Compelled Duel in D&D 5th edition?
Compelled Duel is a 1st-level enchantment spell exclusive to Paladins in the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons. It allows a Paladin to compel a creature into a one-on-one duel.
How does Compelled Duel work in terms of mechanics?
To cast Compelled Duel, the Paladin requires a Wisdom saving throw from the target. If the target fails, they are drawn to the Paladin and have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than the Paladin.
What is the range, casting time, components, and duration of Compelled Duel?
The range of Compelled Duel is 30 feet, the casting time is 1 action, and the components required are verbal. The spell lasts for up to 1 minute but ends if the Paladin attacks another creature, casts a spell that targets a hostile creature other than the target, or ends their turn more than 30 feet away from the target. The spell also ends early if someone other than the Paladin attacks or casts a harmful spell on the target.
What effects does Compelled Duel have on the target?
Compelled Duel draws the target’s attention towards the Paladin, causing them to have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than the Paladin.
How can Paladins use Compelled Duel strategically?
Paladins can use Compelled Duel to ensure melee range with their enemies, effectively locking them into one-on-one combat. This spell can also be used to control battlefield dynamics by drawing enemy attention away from weaker allies and focusing it on the Paladin.