Spells Absorb Elements Acid Splash Air Bubble Alarm Alter Self Arcane Lock Armor of Agathys Augury Bane Beast Bond Bless Blur Spell Booming Blade Burning Hands Catapult Charm Person Chill Touch Color Spray Compelled Duel Control Flames Create Bonfire Create or Destroy Water Dancing Lights Detect Poison and Disease Dissonant Whispers Divine Favor Earth Tremor Earthbind Eldritch Blast Ensnaring Strike Entangle Expeditious Retreat Feather Fall Find Traps Fire Bolt Flame Blade Frostbite Goodberry Guidance Guiding Bolt Healing Word Heroism Ice Knife Identify Light Lightning Lure Mage Armor Mending Mind Spike Mirror Image Misty Step Pass Without Trace Poison Spray Ray of Frost Remove Curse Resistance Sacred Flame Searing Smite Shape Water Shield Shocking Grasp Silvery Barbs Sleep Speak With Animals Spike Growth Spirit Guardians Spray of Cards Summon Beast Sword Burst Thorn Whip Thunderwave Toll The Dead Vicious Mockery Vortex Warp Warding Bond Warding Wind Witch Bolt Wither and Bloom Words of Radiance Zephyr Strike